3 commonmisconceptions of branding  

When people talk about branding, it’s clear that there are some vastly different interpretations of what it means, what it covers and who it affects. Some believe that branding is simply visual, the colours and shapes in your logo and the style of your digital and printed collateral. Others think branding is more of a concept which arises from a series of tangible and non-tangible ideas and values.

While most understand that branding is there to shape your customers’ perception of your business, others take it to be simply a necessary evil which has no bearing on your target demographic. We take a look and dispel three myths surrounding branding, so you can avoid making vital errors in your marketing strategy.

1 / Your brand is your logo

Yes, your logo composes a part of your brand and it is important to get it right, but no – it isn’t the be-all-and-end-all of your overall branding. When creating a brand, many believe that the logo is the first step, but there’s much more that should go into it before this stage. First, you need to know what message you want to convey, how you want your customers to see you and what your key values/USPs are. Then there’s what comes after.

Your brand is not just your logo, it’s your business ethics, your employees, your culture, your offices, your tone of voice, your website, your colours and so much more. An easy way of thinking about it is that your brand is what your customers think of you!

Think about some of the most popular brands in existence. If someone showed you a can of Coca Cola without the logo, would you still recognise it? Or if you used Mars’ typeface on a different product, would you notice? It’s likely that you would, as the other elements of the brand are so well ingrained into your mind.

2 / Great designers create great branding

Even if you hire the most expensive, prodigious designer, it’s unlikely that they will successfully communicate your company’s values and services without proper guidance. In order to fully understand your business and hone an identity that is unique to you, a designer needs your steer. Furthermore, not every designer will match up to your vision or aesthetic, no matter how technically talented they are.

Before hiring a designer, make sure to review their portfolio and check their style tallies up with what you envision. Do they have experience in your industry, or have they had limited experience in the past? If they have only created work for very creative businesses, they may struggle to turn their hand to more corporate or heavily regulated work.

Your designer should be able to tell your story, so once you have found the right person for the job, make sure you give them the tools to communicate it to the best of their ability.

3 / Your brand is purely visual

The visual elements of your brand make up only one component of your branding and if these aren’t backed up by the actions of your business, all your design efforts will be for nothing. If your employees are rude to customers, this will detriment your brand. If you champion eco-friendly products but your packaging isn’t sustainable, this will detriment your brand. Many of the most important elements of your branding are based on the day-to-day running of your business.  

To find out how Skein can help you align your visual and non-tangible branding elements, get in touch here.  

Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash